Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tulip Fever

Last week we ventured out to catch some rays and enjoy the riot of color over at Sherwood Gardens. We had a nice little picnic and toured the many flower beds- over 80,000 tulip bulbs planted!

Monday, April 9, 2012

More Egg-travaganza

Easter celebrating has turned into a full time job for this kid! Between neighborhood celebrations, fun at home, and a hunt at Mother's Garden, we are fully Easterized.

Here is Jasper on the bridge at Mother's Garden with our favorite Easter Bunny.
Jasper and Daddy on the way to the hunt at Mother's Garden.

Hunting w/ his buddy Landon, this hunt was much more... peaceful than last weeks.

Super proud of his finds!

Daddy and the bunny.
Friends sharing their loot!

The bunny under one of the lovely flowering trees in Mother's Garden. If I haven't gone on and on to you yet about MG, it's a 5 acre garden bordering our neighborhood that was built as strolling garden in the 20's. It was derelict up until last year when a group of neighbors formed "The Friends of Mother's Garden" and we started rehabbing the garden and holding events.

Batman loves Easter too!
Helping hang eggs in our little maple out front.

The boys Easter basket- hardhat, umbrella and books- spoiled???

Hunting eggs with Grandpa.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dyeing Ester Eggs

Jasper is so excited for Easter, and I have to admit, I love it too. I really enjoy dyeing Easter eggs and wanted to try a couple new techniques that I spied on Pinterest. Errrr, let's just say we barely made it through the traditional way intact. Between the boiling water, fumbling 2 year old fingers, and DYE, I was hesitant to just let him experiment like I usually do. But all in all we had a good time, only smashed one egg and each have stained finger tips.

Checking on the green

Putting all our eggs in one basket

This is the egg that didn't make it.
We did try a little experimenting with tissue paper and saran wrap.

These turned out to be my favorites!